Dangerous Freedom, Papillote Press, Dominica

Leaving by Plane Swimming back Underwater







also an eBook






also an eBook

“A really accomplished writer. Lawrence Scott’s book is a delight,” says Nobel prize-winner Derek Walcott of this daring collection of short stories by the award-winning Trinidadian author Lawrence Scott. These sensuous stories explore a Caribbean world of yearnings and memory, of escape and return underpinned by the disturbing tensions wrought by religion, race, sexuality and crime.

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What they say

“Scott makes bold moves in plot and structure. Finely accomplished stories that often show Trinidad and the wider Caribbean cast in a blue-bruised light alongside the region’s history”
– Keith Jardim, Wasafiri, Issue 87 Autumn 2016

Read the review of Leaving by Plane and a conversation with Lawrence Scott in Wasafiri here.

Each story represents a different strand of identity, experience and perspective within another, and Scott skillfully considers certain impacts of existing in and originating from the Trinidadian and wider Caribbean context. His previous novel, Light Falling on Bamboo (2012), meditated on the impacts of a return “home” after years of living and existing, physically and mentally, “elsewhere.” But while the novel delved into the Trinidad of the past, this collection of stories firmly interrogates the present as to where and what “home” is, has been, and could become.
– Sophie Harrise, Small Axe

“Scott makes bold moves in plot and structure. Finely accomplished stories that often show Trinidad and the wider Caribbean cast in a blue-bruised light alongside the region’s history”
– Keith Jardim, Wasafiri, Issue 87 Autumn 2016

Read the review of Leaving by Plane and a conversation with Lawrence Scott in Wasafiri here.

Each story represents a different strand of identity, experience and perspective within another, and Scott skillfully considers certain impacts of existing in and originating from the Trinidadian and wider Caribbean context. His previous novel, Light Falling on Bamboo (2012), meditated on the impacts of a return “home” after years of living and existing, physically and mentally, “elsewhere.” But while the novel delved into the Trinidad of the past, this collection of stories firmly interrogates the present as to where and what “home” is, has been, and could become.
– Sophie Harrise, Small Axe

About the Author

Lawrence Scott

Lawrence Scott is an award-winning Caribbean novelist and short-story writer from Trinidad & Tobago. His first novel Witchbroom (1992, and reissued by Papillote Press in 2017) was a BBC Book at Bedtime, while his second novel, Aelred’s Sin, won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize Best Book for Canada and the Caribbean in 1999

About the Author

Lawrence Scott

Lawrence Scott is an award-winning Caribbean novelist and short-story writer from Trinidad & Tobago. His first novel Witchbroom (1992, and reissued by Papillote Press in 2017) was a BBC Book at Bedtime, while his second novel, Aelred’s Sin, won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize Best Book for Canada and the Caribbean in 1999