What they say

The children have written some amazing poetry in response to you reciting them some of yours.
– London primary school teacher

The children have written some amazing poetry in response to you reciting them some of yours.
– London primary school teacher
About the Author
Jane Ulysses Grell
Poet and storyteller, Jane Ulysses Grell was born and grew up in Delices on the east coast of Dominica but has lived in London for many years. She worked as a teacher and has run poetry and storytelling workshops for teachers. Her storytelling draws heavily on her African-Caribbean heritage and consists of rhythm games, songs, poems and stories. www.janegrellstoryteller.com
About the Author
Jane Ulysses Grell
Poet and storyteller, Jane Ulysses Grell was born and grew up in Delices on the east coast of Dominica but has lived in London for many years. She has Where it says, she runs storytelling workshops for schools, libraries and community groups. She worked as a teacher and has run poetry and storytelling workshops for teachers. Her storytelling draws heavily on her African-Caribbean heritage and consists of rhythm games, songs, poems and stories.