What they say
— Peter Hulme, author of Wild Majesty: Encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the Present Day, and former professor of literature at the University of Essex
Yet We Survive has provided a number of our young people with the opportunity to collect information and to work on it while they acquired new skills in photography and techniques in conducting interviews. Since the work was done, the infrastructure has improved and new projects are being explored for economic development, particularly in tourism. Congratulations to Mary Walters.
— Irvince Auguiste, former Carib chief and member of the Kalinago Council
— Peter Hulme, author of Wild Majesty: Encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the Present Day, and former professor of literature at the University of Essex
Yet We Survive has provided a number of our young people with the opportunity to collect information and to work on it while they acquired new skills in photography and techniques in conducting interviews. Since the work was done, the infrastructure has improved and new projects are being explored for economic development, particularly in tourism. Congratulations to Mary Walters.
— Irvince Auguiste, former Carib chief and member of the Kalinago Council
About the Author
Mary Walters
Mary Walters, the editor of Yet We Survive, is a Scottish teacher and a specialist in community arts projects. She first went to Dominica in 1986 to work on an international children’s project for the Commonwealth Arts Festival.
Mary Walters
Mary Walters, the editor of Yet We Survive, is a Scottish teacher and a specialist in community arts projects. She first went to Dominica in 1986 to work on an international children’s project for the Commonwealth Arts Festival.