Papillote People’s Press
Papillote People’s Press (PPP) is an attempt to support those writers whose work does not perhaps fit the criteria of a traditional publisher. Our service offers fair-minded and constructive engagement, which in some cases culminates in the acceptance of a manuscript. Our aim is that by applying Papillote Press’ knowledge and expertise to your work, together we can bring a book to life.
The Papillote People’s Press (PPP) operates less like a traditional publisher (such as Papillote Press) and more like a book production/subsidy company. The publisher edits, designs, and is responsible for printing the book – all in close collaboration with the writer. The publisher delivers the finished book – be it poetry or prose, for adults or children – to the author. We work to create a publication of the highest quality thus building on the established reputation of Papillote Press.
The writer pays the publisher a flat fee and the writer is then responsible for all marketing, sales and distribution of the book (unless otherwise agreed) and receives all income from the sales of the book. Copyright remains with the author.
Acceptance of a manuscript for publication by PPP is at the discretion of the publisher. The book will bear the Papillote Press imprint and will be featured on its website. Help on marketing and social media may be included in the package. Warehouse storage can also be arranged. An ebook is another option. All these opportunities are open for discussion.
One key advantage of joining the PPP over another subsidy or self-publishing company is that we specialise in the Caribbean – its history, geography and people – and have a track record in publishing high-quality and critically noted books. That’s a pretty cool combination. Let’s build on the Caribbean’s literary talent together.
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